2017 Winners.

Most Inclusive Practice Across a School

The Stanway School







Judges comments: We were impressed by your data examples and that you have SEN performance management targets. We are glad to see that the windscreen model developed as part of Every Child Matters has been embedded into your practice.


The Stanway School is a large mainstream secondary school based in Colchester, Essex. We have 1161 students on roll and a national average intake based on KS2 prior attainment.

The number of students with a statement or EHC Plan is broadly in line with national average (1.5% of school population) and the number of students with SEN Support is slightly below national average at 8.8%. Approximately 40% of our student on the SEN register have a diagnosis of Autism.

We have a lower than national average number of students who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) at 16.2% of the school population. We have slightly less girls than boys on roll at 46.3%.

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Most innovative intervention

Kings Hill School






Judges comments: There is evidence of a high level of CPD. We love the fact that children want to read with the dog, what happens next? There is clear evidence of a system embedded over a number of years.


Kings Hill School is a two form entry primary school with two bulge years of three form. It has 476 children on role with only 11% SEN. Whilst our percentage of SEN is relatively low, our number of complex needs pupils is high due to our reputation of high quality support and inclusive ethos. We currently have 10 children on role with an Education and Health Care Plan and two more due to start with us in September, the families of which we have already begun to work with to aid transition. Eighteen of our pupils are in receipt of High Needs Funding, resulting in a high level of targeted, individualised support.

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Partnership with Parents

Ashley Infant School






Judges comments: It was a pleasure to read about the high level of support you offer to parents and their feedback. It would be interesting to hear about how the parents were involved in the training and how it has since developed.


We are a small special needs unit based within a mainstream school. We are located in Ashley near New Milton in the south west of Hampshire. We currently provide education for 19 children aged 4-7 years old, who have complex and severe special educational needs such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Speech and Language difficulties and Developmental Global Delay. Children who attend our setting have a recognised SEN need identified through an Education Health Care Plan and the SEN department at Hampshire County Council place children with us.

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Inclusion in FE

Joseph Chamberlain College







Judges comments: We are delighted to see a comprehensive list of activities showing progression and evidence for this award. We are encouraged by the fact you have in place a variety of systems and support.


Joseph Chamberlain College is a sixth form college (SFC) in inner-city Birmingham catering for 2000 16-18 year old students and, unusually for a SFC, approximately 600 adult learners. Also, unusually for a SFC it delivers a high proportion of vocational qualifications, approximately 50% of its provision. 80% of its 16-18 provision is delivered at level 3.

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