Southampton, 27th September 2019, 10am-4.30pm
Featuring the presentation of the National SEND Awards
The Spark, Southampton Solent University, East Park Terrace, Southampton SO14 0YN
An opportunity for inclusion and SEND leaders from across the country to share experiences, ideas and strategies with peers, run by The Root Of It and chaired by Richard Daniel Curtis.
10am Registration
10.30am Welcome – Inclusion in 2019, a national picture – Richard Daniel Curtis, Chair of the National SEND Awards
11.00am Phase discussion – How are you meeting the changing needs of SEND?
12.00pm Phase discussion – How are you accessing external services?
12.45pm Lunch
1.30pm Phase discussion – How are you incorporating coproduction?
2.30pm Cross-phase discussion – How do you deal with transition of pupils with SEND?
3.30pm Presentation of The National SEND Awards
Tickets cost just £65 + VAT and are available online at
There is a maximum of 5 tickets available per school.